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"Eat your hamburgers, Apollo." |
In any case, as much as I dislike historical what-ifs, I couldn't help but think of even crazier what-if scenarios of my own as I read some of these books. So I apologize beforehand for any simple assumptions or lapses in critical thinking in my opinions below. Like always, I try to write these posts half-jokingly, half-seriously.
The Sword of Persia: Nader Shah, from Tribal Warrior to Conquering Tyrant
Woe are the men who rise above their times only to be relegated to the dustbins of history! Or alternatively, "I came, I saw, I conquered, and I couldn't even get my fucking name mentioned in a world history book." That was my immediate reaction when I recently happened to skim through 3 world history textbooks used by world history college classes and none of them mentioned Nader's name in their chapters on 18th century Iran and India. The closest they came was an indirect reference that Mughal decline was helped, among other causes, by war with Persia. It's times like these you really gotta appreciate Wikipedia for attracting nationalists and ethnic chauvinists from every corner of the world to hype up their heroes. So don't feel too bad, Nader. Your fan, Parsa1993, even drew battle maps of his own for all your major battles! Most historians can't even be bothered to do that for their own books, so give him some love!
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>your battles when EU4 gives you a 2-5-5-1 general |
While I enjoyed the book on its surface level (Nader's rise and fall), I think what left more of an impression on me is the process of historical memory. I've always been interested in how peoples and states all over the world have exploited history for their own agenda, so this process by which we selectively remember/distort history leapt out at me as a meta-theme, even though Axworthy didn't emphasize it. Nader was an exceptional individual of his time, but perhaps not in the greater lens of history. By this, I mean he was one of many great conqueror-kings and exemplifying the archetype in which a man of modest social background climbs up to the highest rung of society.
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"Make France Great Again" |
Hence, it seems to me that conqueror-kings are divided in historical memory not by their ultimate success and failure, but whether they pushed a lasting idea. Guys like Napoleon, Charlemagne, Qin Shi Huang, or Julius Caesar all had, or contributed, to a powerful idea that later generations could pick up and carry. What was Nader's? If he did have one, such as the importance of central power backed up by a disciplined standing army, it was quickly forgotten by immediate successors. Do you see the problem with this? How long-lasting any idea is something that we, the later generations, decide with values reflecting our own societies. But what if later generations simply don't care for those ideas? What if those ideas never develop to their historical heights? Does a man's greatness exist if no one is there to recognize it after his death? Is it possible that people may be products of society, but great people are products of later generations?
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Literally who? |
Woe are the great men and women whose legacies are ruined by later generations! Woe are the great people born to countries we don't give a flying fuck about, indeed.
Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom: China, the West, and the Epic Story of the Taiping Civil War
While the Taiping rebellion has traditionally been obscure in the West, I get the sense that with the onset of the internet and Wikipedia age, a fair number of history fans have at least heard of the Taiping rebellion. They may not know the specifics, but they'll probably know that it was a revolutionary Christian rebellion and one of the most destructive wars in history, even more than WWI. That was the case for me as well, and I remember back in middle or high school, I'd confuse my Taipings with the Boxers. So I've been meaning to read an actual book on the topic when I stumbled upon Stephen Platt's Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom, which advertised a tale of the Taiping rebellion in the face of Western involvement. As I'd always imagined the Taiping rebellion to have been an entirely domestic affair, my interest was piqued and I quickly consumed the book. If you want my actual review on the book, it's largely the same as that of Amazon user James R. Mclean. Don't get the wrong idea if that review comes across as overly critical to you. This book, while not strictly focused on the Taiping rebellion, is highly readable and fun, so I still do very much recommend it. More importantly, the very fact that Platt's pushing an idea of interpreting the Taiping rebellion through a global lens is what makes the book memorable for me, regardless of how well-argued this point actually is. Why?
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Remember when the Germans were the rapists and not rape victims? |
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Please God, not another no-fly zone |
But why stop the what-ifs with the Taiping Civil War? Just imagine what the world would look like if all the past civil wars had a major foreign intervention-dimension to it. And don't just think of scenarios where losers come out on top, like maybe Husayn drawing more support to win the Battle of Karbala. If it's true that foreign intervention increases the duration of civil wars, think of all the possible what-ifs, if civil wars could be simply left to fester for decades without a neat resolution being reached, maybe even leading to a permanent division. Like what if the Russian Civil War was still unresolved by the time of the Nazis? Or if the War of the Castilian Succession led to fractured kingdoms, in which Isabella and Ferdinand had neither the funds nor interest in supporting some wacked-up plan to reach India by sailing West. Or for you Americans, imagine if the British intervened on the pretext of "humanitarian interests" and made it impossible for either side to deliver a knockout blow to the other, and eventually a ceasefire is reached without resolving any of the issues that led the war in the first place. Imagine an America permanently broken up into Northern and Southern halves along a contentious demilitarized zone, with each half backed by their own network of great-power allies. What would today's world look like then?
Dancing in the Glory of Monsters: The Collapse of the Congo and the Great War of Africa
Two regions that I really wish my public education years gave me some historical context on are Latin America and Africa. I remember back in high-school, plenty of kids were willing to join the 24-hour Oxfam fasting event to raise awareness for ongoing famine in South Sudan. For most kids, it was basically a slumber-party at the school, only with no food, but that didn't matter since you'd just go to an IHOP or McDonalds afterwards for a big meal. Looking back on it now, I can only think of it as an utterly stupid exercise. Yeah, yeah, I know that's not a very nice thing to say. "Think of the starving Africans," the student organizers would say, as they put up their "Hungry for Change" posters. But how the hell does some students getting hungry for a day and donating a few bucks translate to real "change?" Now I know that charities do make a difference and I have enormous respect for organizations like MSF, but when I read a book like Dancing in the Glory of Monsters, the pessimist in me tells me how little long-term changes even the best of non-profit organizations can actually foster.
This book's an account of the Second Congo War, popularly known as the Great War of Africa. It's weird that so many people seem to have at least heard of the Rwandan genocide while being completely unaware of the Second Congo War. The number of hits I get from a quick google search for "Rwandan genocide" vs "Second Congo War" seems to support this impression. It's probably because we in the West are so sensitive to the word, "genocide." After all, it has become a buzzword to be deployed in bizarre arguments about whether some mass killing is an atrocious genocide or a plain ol' massacre, as if that really makes the crime so much better or worse. But to return to the topic, the Second Congo War is actually super fucking interesting as a war and the basic narrative is not too complicated. Basically, during the Rwandan civil war, the brutal genocide of Rwandan Tutsis force the Tutsis to strike back, and they succeed in winning the civil war, with most of the Rwandan Hutus fleeing to the neighbouring country of Congo and setting up massive refugee camps. The Tutsi-regime in Rwanda, understandably seeking retribution for genocide, thus decided to form a coalition with other neighbouring nations with a grudge against Mobutu (President of Congo) and send an invading force to install a new ruler who'd be more friendly to their interests, which would allow Rwanda to safely "take care" of the Hutu refugees hiding in Congo. Taking advantage of the crumbling Mobutu-regime, the Rwandan-led coalition forces succeed in installing Kabila as the new Congo president. But like in many other histories, the new puppet-ruler has an ego of his own and refuses to bow down to his patrons, and thus Rwanda was then forced again to fight Congo, which had allies of its own who preferred a Kabila-led Congo over a Tutsi-led Congo. As the war festers on, just about all sides engage in war crimes and loot the valuable natural resources of Congo. This is the bare minimum of details that I'll provide to entice you into reading more about this war, whether through Stearns' book or another. It does become very hard to keep track of all the splinter rebel groups and foreign-backed paramilitary organizations, but like I said, the broad outlines are relatively easy to keep track so don't get scared off by all the acronyms.
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Kitona Operation |
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Here's a cute Congo on the bongos to take your mind off the unspeakable war crimes in the Congo War. |
If the world was a game of Civilization, I'd really love to give the map a re-roll so that Africa wasn't environmentally unsuitable for state formation. Seems like a waste to have such a huge continent, but make it nigh-impossible for social development. Absolutely terrible map design, YHWH. This is why I don't believe in you.
Two suggestions for people who go pretty in-depth with historical what--ifs:
Hox, some of your recs for manga (here on your blog) and non-fiction history books on Goodreads are pure gold to me. Would you please consider adding other non-history related books to your Goodreads collection with your star ratings? Perhaps on a different account if you don't wish to clutter your existing one?
ReplyDeleteI will read any of your 5-star rating books at this point, no matter the subject.
Most of the stuff I read these days are all history-related so I'm not exactly leaving stuff out on my goodreads. Whenever I do read other things, I'll add them in on my current account. The only books I've left out things I read pre-2014, which I'm not going to add because it seems like a hassle in going back and adding every book I ever read and liked. I also didn't read as much as I do now, so it's not too big of a loss.
DeleteI really enjoyed the read and already recommended it to some of my friends. Just one small question if it's not to close to your heart: Where are you from or in which countries have you lived in? While your analysis is on point it gives a worthwhile impression from which cultural tradition someone comes.