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Literally me as I write this post |
Tang China in Multi-polar Asia: A History of Diplomacy and War
The Tang dynasty is undeniably a golden age in Chinese history, both culturally and militarily. But because historians often heap so much praise upon the heights reached by the Tang, a newcomer could easily misconstrue the 7th-9th centuries in Asia as a time during which China was the uncontested superpower calling all the shots. Historian Wang Zhenping offers a great corrective through his book, Tang China in Multi-polar Asia, which, as the title implies, stresses the multi-polar nature of Asia by examining how China's foes responded to her. The book has a section devoted to the narrative histories of wars waged by Tang against her major foes (steppe nomads, Korean states, Nanzhao, Tibet) as well as sections to explain how Tang foreign policy was debated, formed, and executed. While the author is more prioritized with demonstrating the active agency of Tang's neighbours to demonstrate his thesis, I was more concerned with why Tang foreign policy succeeded or failed as I read about her wars. But before I can talk about that, let me get everyone on the same page by giving a brief overview of the 3 major conflicts Tang was involved in (I'll leave the Tibetan conflict out because I don't want to summarize the whole book).
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Don't take these borders too literally |
As the Sui dynasty begins to be torn apart by separatists, the Eastern Turkic Khaganate looked with glee at the unfolding chaos. Just as powerful Chinese empires backed various nomadic tribes to keep the steppe divided, the Turks now returned the favour by backing various Chinese separatists. One separatist was Li Shimin, who became a vassal to the Khagan and used bribes and promises of territorial concessions to get Turkish military support. But as Li Shimin defeated his Chinese rivals, minor separatist leaders chose to join him rather than fight him. Before long, he captured the Sui imperial capital, Chang'an, and titled himself Emperor Gaozu of Tang (Gaozu literally means supreme forefather, which is why you often see dynasty founders like Liu Bang referred to as such). The Turks, worried by their vassal's snowballing power, made periodic raids and even once marched their army right up to the outskirts of Chang'an itself. Tang thus adopted a policy of subservience to buy peace while it focused on completing the task of unifying China and building up a mobile light cavalry force that could compete with the steppe nomads.
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Conquest of Tarim Basin. Same strategy used by Han against the Xiongnu |
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Korean peninsula around 600 AD |
The Sui dynasty had badly blooded its nose against Koguryŏ, a kingdom that ruled over the Northern half of the Korean peninsula and Southern Manchuria with its capital at P’yŏngyang (yes, I'm using diacritics because romanized Korean without it is fucking garbage. Who the fuck thought vowel clusters like "eo" or "eu" were a good idea?). Emperor Taizong (2nd Tang emperor), emboldened by his victory over the Eastern Turkic Khaganate, abandoned his father's policy of normalizing friendly relations, and adopted an increasingly hostile and irredentist stance (parts of Northern Korea had been administered as Chinese commanderies during the Han dynasty). A military coup in Koguryŏ as well as the periodic wars between Koguryŏ and Silla served as a convenient casus belli for Taizhong to legitimize a massive military campaign, which met the same difficulties as the Sui armies. Namely, supplies couldn't be sustained long enough to successfully besiege Koguryŏ's formidable mountain forts. After the failure of the 1st campaign and a 2nd campaign aborted by Taizong's death, Tang was in need of a strategy change, and Silla's diplomatic finesse offered a solution. A Tang-Silla alliance would first destroy Paekche, and then press Koguryŏ from all sides. With Silla's support, Tang armies could be sailed across the Yellow Sea and adequately supported in Southern Korea. In spite of Koguryŏ, Paekche, and Japan's best efforts (Japan was a long-time ally of Paekche), the new strategy worked and Paekche fell in 660, followed by Koguryŏ in 668.
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Korean peninsula in early 8th century |
War against Nanzhao:
China exercised either little to no control of Yunnan for most of its history until the Yuan and later dynasties, when control slowly increased along with more and more Han migrants (hence why Mandarin is the majority language there today unlike other parts of Southern China). In the Han dynasty, Emperor Wu had launched a campaign to turn Yunnan (then ruled by the Dian kingdom) to officially incorporate it into Yizhou but let the Dian king continue his rule as the king of a tributary state. Dissolution in the post-Han era allowed Yunnan to escape Chinese control so that by the time of the Tang, Yunnan was outside of the empire and ruled by various tribes. The Tang adopted a policy of loose control through the occasional display of force and legitimizing loyal tribal leaders with fancy Chinese titles so they'll attack other unruly tribes. Divide and rule. You know, typical strategy of empires when dealing with remote regions ruled by decentralized tribes, like what the Brits did in Arabia.
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Nanzhao, centered in modern-day Yunnan province |
the rise of] Nanzhao" and "The Tang fell at the hands of [rebel leader] Huang Chao, but the trouble started in Guilin [where disgruntled troops were stationed to cope with Nanzhao's military pressure]." Those quotes should make it pretty obvious whether Tang's foreign policy in the Southwest was successful or not.
Whew, that was a quite a lot to get through in my "brief" summary. Onto my actual opinions then. When assessing the Tang foreign policy, it's odd to note that dealings with the steppe nomads, the perennial threat to imperial Chinese dynasties, was handled rather well while dealings with more conventional agrarian, sedentary states like Silla, Nanzhao, or Tibet were handled so poorly. A key question to consider is "Why did divide and rule work in the steppes but not in the Korean peninsula?" To answer that, we should first note the differences in general organization between nomadic confederations and sedentary states. For the Turkic Khaganates, the Khagan's role was critical. Their confederations were a mix of all sorts of tribes that more often than not resented each other but only put up with each other as long as a Khagan maintained a high level of prestige with military successes and imposing light burdens to subordinate tribes. In short, the Khagan was more of a primus inter pares keeping a house of cards in place rather than an absolute emperor ruling from a secure power base. While this may seem like a weakness, it was also a strength that lent to steppe nomads' resilience as defeating one ruling tribe didn't equate to conquering the steppe any more than hitting one mole wins you a game of whack-a-mole. In this context, Tang policy to decapitate the head (i.e. capturing the Khagans of Eastern and Western Khaganates) and using divide and rule (i.e. befriending the Uighurs to put down other threats) to dominate the body was effective.
But in the context of the Korean peninsula, China was dealing with relatively centralized sedentary states which had stably ruled for several centuries. Koguryŏ, Paekche, and Silla were all allegedly founded in the late 1st century BC, a date that many modern historians discredit but most would agree the transition from tribal chiefdoms and confederations into statehood had taken place by the late 2nd century/early 3rd century. This fostered not nationalism in the modern sense, but perhaps an ethno-nationalism of sorts that would feed resentment towards Chinese rule. And because Tang, instead of going for a loose control approach as in the steppes, attempted a direct approach via long-term military occupation and the establishment of the Andong protectorate, endemic hostility from the natives was guaranteed. Moreover, while allying with Silla had been a wise move to apply pressure to Koguryŏ from the North as well as the South, giving them the middle-finger by ignoring their territorial claims was a foolish move as Silla support was critical in supplying the Tang armies all the way out in the Korean peninsula. The misadventures in Korea was a series of one bad mistake after another. On paper, it probably looked simple to a rich and powerful empire like Tang. "Let's make an alliance with one of the Korean states to gobble up the other two, then finish off the remaining one. Piece of mooncake!" The initial conquest might be glorious for military history fans like me, but it's what comes after that's truly critical. The long and sordid history of empires shows this time and time again. The very best empires are ones that managed to consolidate their gains, not the ones who made the largest gains.
Finally, the issue of Nanzhao... You know, it's just too easy to fool yourself into thinking you have god-like powers when you're the biggest and most powerful empire. You start thinking that small-time players are simply puppets without agency. It'd only be too easy to get them to do your bidding. And I think that attitude is what best sums up the Nanzaho fiasco. The Emperor and his policy-makers were so concerned with containing Tibet that they never seemed to have seriously stopped to think that maybe deliberately aiding the creation of a unified state right next to Sichuan where it'd be hard to send armies to due to the tropical climate wasn't the best idea. Kinda reminds you of good ol' Brzezinski, don't it? For those who don't recognize that name, he was the National Security Advisor during Jimmy Carter's US presidency. Here's a quote by him from an interview.
That interview says it all, don't it? I acknowledge hindsight is 20/20 and I'm not gonna be some contrarian hipster that argues the Soviet Union wasn't so bad. I simply want to point out just how attractive the illusion of control is for the people up at the top. Even as I write this post, Shillary and the US establishment has a love-affair of funding colour revolutions and can't quite give up the idea of funding "moderate" Syrian rebels. The same kind of oh-so-tolerant moderates who go around yelling, "Christians to Beirut, Alawites to the grave!" and beheading children. Sometimes, the itty bitty kitty one rears can grow up to be a tiger, as Wang Zhenping puts it in Tang China in Multi-polar Asia, a lesson that we still seem to haven't learned.Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahiddin began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan on December 24, 1979. But the reality, closely guarded until now, is completely otherwise: Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention[emphasis added throughout].Q: Despite this risk, you were an advocate of this covert action. But perhaps you yourself desired this Soviet entry into the war and looked for a way to provoke it?B: It wasn’t quite like that. We didn’t push the Russians to intervene, but we knowingly increased the probability that they would.Q : When the Soviets justified their intervention by asserting that they intended to fight against secret US involvement in Afghanistan , nobody believed them . However, there was an element of truth in this. You don’t regret any of this today?B: Regret what? That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it? The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter, essentially: “We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war." Indeed, for almost 10 years, Moscow had to carry on a war that was unsustainable for the regime , a conflict that bought about the demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet empire.Q: And neither do you regret having supported Islamic fundamentalism, which has given arms and advice to future terrorists?B : What is more important in world history? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some agitated Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?
Oh, and one minor note before I move on to the next book. On page 84 and 90, the author made an error concerning Sŏngdŏk's gender. He seems to have confused King Sŏngdŏk (reigned 702-737) for Queen Sŏndŏk (reigned 632-647). Maybe I oughta email the guy but then again, I'm just a nobody.
The Wars for Asia, 1911-1949
It seems that in the Cold War, the Soviet contribution to the Allied victory in WW2 was de-emphasized in favour of a US stronk view, which has been restored in the post cold-war era to the point that it's quite easy to find edgy teenagers in the West stating that the Soviets pretty much won the war alone with minimal help from the US or UK. And while the ongoing vilification of Russia by the Western MSM has yet to make us re-forget this once forgotten ally, there is actually another WW2 ally that, to this day, remains forgotten: China. Consider this fact pointed out by historian Sarah Paine in this book:
Although it is also true that the United States did defeat the Imperial Japanese Navy without Chinese assistance, it never fought more than a fraction of the Imperial Japanese Army. At the end of the war, Japan still had nearly one-third of its total armed forces deployed in Manchuria and China, or 1.8 million men, while another 2 million men defended Japan, Korea, and Taiwan, the nucleus of the prewar Japanese empire. This left about 1 million men facing the United States. Thus, China played a crucial role in keeping nearly 1.8 million Japanese soldiers fully occupied and far away from U.S. forces. The theaters where U.S. fighting concentrated had comparatively small numbers of Japanese troops, 100,000 in the Philippines and 186,100 in the Central Pacific. Japan remained fundamentally a land power with its armies concentrated at home or on the Asian mainland.
For most of the Pacific Ocean war, China pinned down more Japanese land forces than did any other theater. From 1941 to 1942, Japan deployed about 60 percent of its army to China. This fell to 44 percent in 1943, and to 31 percent for the final two years when Japan redeployed its forces initially to the South Pacific and then to the home islands. Deployments in the South Pacific rose from 21 percent of the army in 1942, to 32 percent in 1943, and to 40 percent in 1944, when the home islands came under attack and Japanese forces in the Pacific could no longer alter the course of the war because so much of the navy and merchant marine lay at the bottom and could not easily resupply or redeploy the army. Likewise most of Japan’s army expenditures focused on China and Manchuria – 77 percent in 1941 and falling to 68 percent in 1945.Now I can just imagine Eurocentric WW2 fans shouting, "Come on, we all know the IJA was a piece of shit made up of poorly trained, poorly equipped, and poorly fed nips. The fact that lots of chinks got slaughtered by the IJA goes to show, if anything, just how terrible the chinks were!" But Paine's argument is not based on the quality of Chinese troops. She is rightly pointing out that China played a relatively similar role as the Soviets did in facing their respective Axis foes. As Stalin once quipped, "Quantity has a quality all its own." Just imagine what might have happened if Japan, instead of spending two-thirds of its army expenditures and a third of its troops to dick around in the Chinese bog, used it instead on their navy and air force to fight the US? While I don't think Japan would have won even had that happened, think of how much harder the war would've been for the Allies.
Many points surprised me over the course of this book. The first and most important was the Japanese military command. I'd always known they made a lot of bone-headed blunders in WW2, but I'd severely underestimated their sheer folly and arrogance.
The Japanese did not anticipate a dire struggle. In a cabinet meeting on 11 July, four days after the original skirmish at the Marco Polo Bridge, War Minister Sugiyama Gen recommended that only a limited number of troops – a mere five divisions – would be necessary to stabilize China. He informed Emperor Hirohito: “The incident probably can be resolved within a month.” Others in the Imperial Japanese Army predicted that three divisions, 100 million yen, and three months would allow Japan to eliminate Chiang’s army and force him to come to terms. The estimates had no connection with reality. By the end of 1937 Japan suffered 100,000 casualties. A year later, Japan was struggling to raise twenty new divisions and more than 2.5 billion yen out of a total government budget of 2.8 billion for fiscal 1937-8. And by the end of 1938 Japan had thirty-four divisions totalling 1.1 million men, and by 1941, fifty-one divisions.>tfw you realize the guy suggesting 5 divisions is all you need to stabilize China is the "moderate" in the room...
Part of Japan's folly was due to racialized arrogance, but a more important part was due to Japanese refusal to consider insurgency as a legitimate form of warfare. On one hand, you can't blame them too much as they noted how Prussia-senpai fought decisive battles to quickly win the Franco-Prussian War and, like many other Western military strategists, were enamored with Alfred Mahan's ideas also advocating decisive battles. Plus, WW1 had largely been centered around conventional battles too. But on the other hand, they should have known better from their colonial experiences in Korea, such as the March 1st Movement of 1919. While that may have only been a non-violent mass demonstration, the key decision makers should have been thinking, "Hmm, what if something like that were to happen again, only this time with a metric fuckton more protesters armed with guns?" For Amaterasu's sake, did they not notice the level of anti-Japanese rhetoric shared by the Chinese populace since the first Sino-Japanese war? Even if they had managed forced Chiang Kai-shek to come to terms, I highly doubt it would've achieved anything. China may have been united as a republic on paper, but in reality there was no way Chiang Kai-shek could have had enough political capital to force his people to accept a policy of appeasement forever. The possibility of an insurgency is absolutely critical when you're dealing with a hostile populace with little to no confidence in their government. What can you do when your enemy's people don't give a shit whether or not their "leader" signed a peace of paper? What can you do when the very enemies you're fighting are driven to such fanatic hatred of you that, as Hamas would put it, "love death more than you love life"? I can only imagine mass genocide as a solution to such extreme situations, which the Japanese and German armies kept around as an option, but even they couldn't kill quite fast enough before their countries collapsed.
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Apparently, Yokoyama once drew a poorly received manga about the Long March. I've yet to come across scans of it, however. |
Overall, The Wars for Asia is an amazing book. I couldn't put it down once I picked it up and blitzed through it in 2 days. Paine writes with great detail without obfuscation, and at times, with great humour as well such as here:
Matsuoka Yosuke [Japan's representative to the League of Nations] fulminated [about the Leagues' 42-1 vote to denounce Japan's occupation of Manchuria]: “Humanity crucified Jesus of Nazareth two thousand ears ago…. Japan stands ready to be crucified! But we do believe, and firmly believe, that in a very few years, world opinion will be changed and that we also shall be understood by the world as the Jesus of Nazareth was.” Jesus of Nazareth came out considerably better in the courthouse of history than did Japan, let alone Matsuoka, whose misreading of Russian, German, Chinese, and U.S. intentions contributed to an unworkable foreign policy once he became foreign minister in 1940.The Iran-Iraq War
Probably the least known modern total war is the Iran-Iraq war. It wasn't even given a passing mention in the cold-war portion of my high-school history class, and most people who lived through the 80s seem to think it was some Nth iteration of
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"Be harmonious, enrich the soldiers, and scorn all other men." -Septimius Severus' advice to his sons- |
I swear I had a high-school teacher who looked like Khomeini... Or maybe he looked like Sean Connery, I dunno. |
Aside from the details of various offensives and counter-offensives in Razoux's book, the response by other nations to the war during its grueling 8 years left quite an impression on me. I'd previously known about things like the Iran-Contra affair or Western hypocrisy at condemning Iraq's use of chemical weapons while its companies sent chemicals and specialists to help Iraq develop them. However, I was completely taken aback by Razoux' frank portrayal of just how willing any country who was a somebody was to help support the war-effort to Iran or Iraq (or sometimes both). I expect big players like China and France or rogue nations like North Korea to sell weapons with glee as they look at their bank accounts. What I didn't expect was shit like South Korea selling roughly $1.2 billion (calculated in 1988 $US) worth of arms, planes, and tanks to Iran or lil' old chocolate-loving Belgium selling $90 million worth of small arms, explosives, and jet engines (just the engines since those dastardly socialist parliamentarians caught onto the deal and unjustly prevented selling fifty F-104s intact to innocent dindu nuffin Iranians). I suppose I only have my naivete to blame. The whole world's a glass house and its leaders are rock-throwing addicts. In any case, it's always fascinating to read about things no government is willing to openly admit to. Scandals like the Luchaire Affair are a rare chance to see behind the curtains decorated in feel-good government platitudes and MSM lies; a chance to see the world beyond the cave instead of the shadow puppets put out for us.
Great reviews!
ReplyDeleteWhoa, finding someone talk about Iran-Iraq war outside the middle east boundaries is not common...
ReplyDeleteBut let me add something as I'm from Iran itself. Back then they didn't just send out kids as I don't know what, those kids were part of "Ba'aseej" (pretty close to beseech :)) , entering it was completely voluntary, you may not believe me but kids were so keen about going to war for the sake of what we call Vatan (meaning your country) and Namoos (meaning your family). My own father forged my grandpa's signature to join Ba'aseej at the age of 15...
Anyway I'm happy to see someone talk about my country