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28 December 2013

Your Attention Please

Because I'm frustrated with the constant requests I get for Umibe no Onnanoko, I'm making this post. STOP ASKING ME TO TRANSLATE UMIBE, GO ASK SOMEONE ELSE. It's not because I hate it or anything, I just plain don't want to translate it because there are a ton of other manga I would rather translate. I've made my stance on this issue clear on my about/faq page now so hopefully people will stop asking. If there are any other translators out there, PLEASE DO ME A FAVOUR AND TRANSLATE THE LAST VOLUME OF UMIBE NO ONNANOKO.
And while we're on the subject of Asano Inio works, I want to talk about the last volume of Punpun. As most of you know, there are scanlations of the last volume already available. For the few who've willingly/luckily avoided all the spoilers, I think making a live-typesetting thread as I've done for some of the past volumes will be counter-productive to your efforts since there's bound to be spoilers posted all over in it. So my question to you, do you still want me to do a live-typesetting thread? Vote on the poll at the top right bar on this page. I don't really care either way. That's all for now.


  1. Is there an ETA on when you will deliver? Or do you already have the HQ raws and are just awaiting our opinion on the typesetting thread?

    1. I don't have raws yet so there's no ETA. I'll post one here when I do though.

    2. Speaking of raws, are you normally willing to share the ones you use when you get them?
      Side note:
      Your translations are what got me into reading the manga and later on I used them as a crutch when learning Japanese.

  2. But... We don't know anyone else who is so much cool and good translator as you. Please, do it!

    1. He specifically says he won't be doing it and requests you stop, and you do it anyway? Please seriously consider what you're posting. Even if it was in jest, it came off poorly.

    2. Okay, sorry. But now i don't consider Hox cool anymore.
      Deal with it

    3. this anon still considers hox cool, though. go hox, you're #1!

  3. I've somehow managed to avoid all spoilers so far, and it's hard for me to choose. I'd like you to live typeset it, especially since one of the joys I've had in reading the past few volumes was the page-by-page hype. You could give a big warning about how people will probably spoil it for other people in the opening post. It's really just if it's too much effort for you or not.

    Though I know one of the first posts will be "SO AND SO DIES", but still, mix it in with a bunch of shitposting and it'll be hard to tell what's right and what's wrong, I'd hope.

  4. "If there are any other translators out there, PLEASE DO ME A FAVOUR AND TRANSLATE THE LAST VOLUME OF UMIBE NO ONNANOKO."

    I feel your pain. Although, even though it has nothing to do with me, that poll option is begging to be clicked.

    1. Learn Japanese yourself to read, you lazy fucking fucks!

    2. lmao sure just learn a very complex language written in a different script than english just to read one volume of manga, yup we sure are some "lazy fucking fucks"

  5. Man, I loved those threads, but now the boards is filled with "epic" posters that will make things impossible. My vote goes for No, and it's a shame.

  6. Maybe you could get mod help with the spoilers by emailing moot behind the scenes or something?

  7. Sure, please do! I followed the last 2 volumes in these threads and this was awesome.

  8. Please translate Naruto.

    Thanks in advance.

  9. I don't really see a point. And doing it live might hinder the quality of the work since everyone is waiting on you (just an assumption). If it does end up happening, there are going to be a few people spamming spoilers in the threads before you get to the pages anyway.

  10. "doing it live might hinder the quality of the work since everyone is waiting on you"

    It hasn't so far.
    I won't be following the thread (waited this long for the Hox translation, I can wait for the finished product), but for those that do it sounds like fun.

  11. I do imagine a degree of pressure given people are eagerly/impatiently waiting at their keyboards for Hox to post each new page. That, and how weary one's eyes must become just doing it all at once. So, like the Anon before the previous, I would suspect that a live, page-by-page release might result in less meticulous translating.

    But I could be wrong. For all I know Hox thoroughly revises each translation before he decides to post a page.

    I initially followed the last live thread but gave up before the end of the first chapter. Aside from a lot of silly comments and potential spoilers, not being able to just turn the page and read on, the waiting-time between each scan - for me, at least - diminished the experience. Punpun isn't the latest Bleach; it's the sort of thing you want to read "properly" anyway, if you know what I mean.

    Basically, I vote no for a live thread if Hox feels he'll do a better translation otherwise.

  12. Any updates on raws?

  13. I'm only waiting for you to read, would be perfect a live typesetting.

  14. :D
