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28 August 2014

Chinggis Khan Volume 2

Happyscans and I bring you the second of five volumes in Yokoyama's Chinggis Khan! If you've read the Secret Histories, then you might find Yokoyama's slight changes to the tale interesting. I won't touch them on it now as I'll save that for the end. In any case, enjoy Temuchin's ongoing tribulations!

Chinggis Khan v2:   Mega;   Sendspace
Hox's Mega Manga Folder


  1. Thank you.

    I don't love you anymore, but I'll still read everything you translate because you're an admirable person, Hox.

  2. Man you are quite hard worker, thanks!

  3. I'd just like to say I'm really enjoying this, so cheers.

    1. Thanks. I'm curious to see what people think of the manga so far.

    2. I am not familiar with the story version upon which this is based. But I do enjoy Yokoyama's drawing style and storytelling a lot. I do have my problems with sometimes too similiar character designs. Characters are a little bit cartoon-y and therefor as the ensemble grows, the distinct style of Yokoyama is becoming a problem for me. But apart from that, I am enjoying this a whole lot. I had the feeling he muted down this cartoon-y tone of his which was a little more apparent in for example Sangokushi. With cartoon-y tone i mean these charactes be a bit hyped-up and jumping in the air angry etc.pp.

    3. It's heavily drawn from the Secret History of the Mongols, with some extra stuff thrown in.

  4. May I ask when will the next chapters for sangokushi and khan come out? I have been checking forum every day to look for updates. By the way, I love the way you put your effort into your projects. If it were me, I would just drop them since they take too long to complete.

    1. I think it'll be too difficult for me to release a volume this month. Expect first week November instead. Sorry.
