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1 February 2014

Tomorrow's Joe v13 (Finally)

Well would you look at that:

That means in the span of one whole year, I managed to get out 2 FREAKING VOLUMES of Joe. Clearly, this is unacceptable, and it can't continue if I'm to finish Joe this year. So I am hereby calling a temporary hiatus on everything I translate that's not called Tomorrow's Joe until it's finished. I think I'd ideally need at least 2 or 3 more typesetters (each with a fair amount of free time) to get the remaining 7 volumes done by the end of the year. So if you have some typesetting experience and want to help out, please do email me. In the meantime, I'll just busy myself translating all the way to v20, and once all the scripts are done, it shouldn't be hard to quickly pump out releases. Joe WILL be finished this year, no matter what happens. Happyscans and I are not backing out from that promise.

Tomorrow's Joe v13:   Mega;   Sendspace (missing p129 fixed)


  1. "Happyscans and I are not backing out from that promise." Well that made me smile. Thanks!

  2. Thanks! Just letting you know that p129 seems to be missing, mislabeled p239 in its place.

    1. Thanks for letting me know. It's fixed now.

  3. Ho-ho baby! That's the kind of new I'd been waiting a long time to hear: Joe on the top of the priority list. Much like the title character, the manga often seemed to have underdog status in terms of release rate.

    I appreciate the work that goes into these, so I've never really complained about the release rate. But man is it good to hear Hox and Happyscans are planning to kick it into high gear. I've been waiting years to read this series in its entirety and it sound like that might actually happen by year's end. Hooray!

    2014 seems destined to be the year of Joe. Not only is Hox and Happyscans working to finish the manga translations by 2014, both fansub groups are also poised to finish both anime TV seasons this year as well.

  4. As long as you don't forget Vinland...;)

  5. Thank you very much for this!. I knew that you wanted to give priority to other series first but to hear that you are gonna be focusing on Joe from now is great!. Can't wait to see how it ends.

  6. Any plan to scan Zettai anzen in future

    1. Yes, of course. That's been on my to-translate list for quite some time now.

  7. Thank you so much. I recently picked up this manga and devoured all of the 12 volumes released up until now. Needless to say, this is very good news.
    I will be waiting eagerly for the next releases; keep up the good work!

  8. This is the best news you could've given me, Hox. Finishing Punpun and immediately putting Joe to top priority level? There's a reason /a/ sucks your cock so much.

  9. Great news, Hox and thank you for the volume. Where would I apply for typesetter, by any chance? I've been with Deadbeat-Scans for almost 4 years, I think (and still am), so I have some experience. You just have to tell me what fonts to use and where.

    1. Ah, sorry, email. Sending one now.

  10. Thanks for this, btw the link for Volume 12 doesn't work, can anyone provide another one?

    1. As I've mentioned before, use my mega:!119QSBhS!bCe22AtmY6puabi3XL5b1A

  11. I appreciate all your work. I would really like you to keep pumping out those Historie chapters though.

    1. Historie's a bimonthly series currently so I'd only be 2 chapters behind before I catch up after finshing Joe. I don't think that's asking too much from the people who read my translations.

  12. Sorry to be a bearer of bad news, but all above volume 10 have been deleted. I loved this manga, can you try to upload it again? I'd love to have the whole series.
    Thanks in advance!

    1. That's odd, the files are all still in my mega folder. Here, try this:!85lkyQ6J!8a_L91V3WuVFAvdZb18urA
