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10 May 2012

Heads-up on Punpun and Fran

Not to make it harder to wait or anything, but since a lot of people are quite anxious for the new Punpun volume, I'm just letting you guys know that I do have the scans now, thanks to my generous raw-provider. Unfortunately, due to other priorities, I won't be working on it until next weekend. On the bright side, you can expect to see the volume 8 extras for Franken Fran this Saturday. That's all the news I have for now. Hope you guys look forward to seeing some SERIOUS SHIT next weekend, as my plan is to get the entire volume done then.


  1. I do indeed look forward to seeing some SERIOUS SHIT next weekend, thank you based hox!

  2. Thanks Hox! Can't wait to see Fran's final volume!

  3. キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!

  4. Thanks!!!!
    Can't wait for a new Punpun!

  5. Can't wait!

    Thanks Hox!

  6. I...I wasn't expecting this. My body will never be ready

    ..also, any word on La croisade des innocents? just curious if you have any plans for it in the near future. Also, I miss your posts where you just talk about stuff.

  7. I think a piece of brain just shot out the tip of my wiener!

  8. Awesome... You are just so awesome, Hox.

  9. Thanks for letting us know. Also, like some previous comment pointed out, I'd want you to talk about random things again, as well. At least, every now and then. It's interesting to read what you think about stuff. Plus, maybe you could recommend some more manga or other works aside from the recommendations you've already given.

    1. Yeah, I do intend to write more posts about my opinions on manga/mangaka, but sometimes I feel like I don't have quite enough to say at the moment for a good-length post. But if you guys miss reading what I have to say, I'll see if I can do a short blogpost of that nature this Sunday.

  10. Thanks Hox. By the way, do you have any info about the new book by Asano Inio?

    1. No, I've noticed that he's released some couple new stuff but as I can't read them since I don't have the raws, I'm in the dark about them.

  11. Thanks for all your hard work!

    I don't know if you have your pulse on the scanlation community, but there's no harm in asking. Just before KEFI died, they said that Gantz Waitingroom were going to continue The World is Mine. I've been unable to find zero confirmation of this anywhere. Do you have any idea what's going on with TWIM?

    1. Should be "have your finger on the pulse," I'm an idiot that doesn't know how to idiom.

    2. No, I have no idea either. Maybe you should try directly asking GWR, if you haven't already?

  12. next weekend!? gawd, hox, i'd fuck you hard if i could. to put it on words: gonna look forward of it! ur scans are always enjoyable stuff.

    1. Seriously. No homo though. I'm just damn excited.

  13. i caved in and read the spoilers

  14. WOW!! Next Weekend? Thanks for it, Hox!! Looking very foward to this volume!

  15. Thanks for the heads up! Glad your raw provider was this fast.
