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11 April 2012

Sangokushi v27 (last updated April 23)

Time to start up another volume of Sangokushi. For the next couple volumes, the story will focus entirely on Liu Bei and Zhou Yu's efforts to take Jingzhou for themselves. Just for clarification, as the -suffix "zhou" implies, Jingzhou is a province/prefecture, and it's composed of 7 commanderies: Nanyang, Nanjun, Jiangxia, Lingling, Wuling, Guiyan, and Changsha.
Cao Ren. Not the flashiest character in the story, but still a highly competent and reliable general.
Those with good memories will notice that Cao Hong looks a lot differently than he did back in volume 6. Not sure if Yokoyama just forgot or if he wanted to change his face. My guess is the latter, because his previous appearance made him look comparatively older than Cao Cao, even though Cao Hong is the younger cousin.
This brings up a point I'm quite curious about: Military uniforms in ancient warfare, especially for civil wars. It's known that the armies of Han Dynasty had standardized uniform/armour according to rank and basic unit-types like cavalry/infantry. But once the empire fractured, each warlord would have needed to make new uniforms to separate his own troops from enemies. Complicating matters is limited clothing-colours simply due to how expensive or rare certain dyes would be in an age before synthetic dyes. It couldn't have been a good cost-effective decision to have distinctively-coloured cotton/wool clothing worn for your average conscript, especially when the armies are tens of thousands-large. So in my mind, it seems that most of the soldiers would've probably worn some drab-coloured clothes that would be nigh-impossible to distinguish in the midst of a chaotic battle. In such a scenario, the direction someone faced was probably the only way to tell from friend or foe. Maybe that's another reason why formations were so useful, to keep guys facing one way only. Who knows, maybe the richer warlords like Cao Cao had the funds to equip his troops with some fab-looking clothes that made them the effective fighting forces they were? I'm obviously being facetious on this last point, but my point about the problems soldiers would've had in distinguishing allies from enemies during civil war still stands.
That's some eyesight he's got.
Jesus Christ, you might want to get that finger checked out, Cao Ren.
This doctor always makes me laugh because of he doesn't look like he cares one bit about anything.

Sangokushi c153:   Mediafire
Sangokushi c154:   Mediafire
Sangokushi c155:   Mediafire
Sangokushi c156:   Mediafire
Sangokushi c157:   Mediafire
Sangokushi c158:   Mediafire
Sangokushi c159:   Mediafire


  1. Thank, I love this manga

  2. But last chapter was also c152... now I'm confused :S

    1. Woops, I got it mixed up because it seems I never updated my chapter 152 release to mangaupdates.

  3. Fuck yeah!!! Sangokushi!!

  4. Xie xie, Hox-sifu!

  5. At last, the best time of the month has come!

  6. This just made my day.

  7. I wanna know if there is any good points to take a break? I am not one to read ongoing stuff. But if there is a good place to take long break at Id like to try this one out.

    1. Hmm, I think the best points to take a break would be at the end of volumes 9, 14, 19, and 26.

    2. Thanks. I usually wait stuff out till it's finished. But even tho I trust you'll finish it, it'll be years.

  8. Your chapter 157 is labeled 156.

  9. read it online :

  10. Men, point and laugh at these southern hicks!
