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20 March 2012


At last, Mathematical Girls v2 is fully scanlated, meaning that I can add another one to my completed projects list. Although I initially picked this on a whim after being inspired by the graphic novel, Logicomix, I'm glad I did as I've become more familiar with Japanese mathematics terminology as a result. Although the second volume was a little lacking in the delicious mathematical double entendres that made the first volume so enjoyable, I felt it was nonetheless a good conclusion, especially with the unique-prime-factorization theorem encountered in v1 being used to prove the infinitude of primes.

Now I've been informed that this manga has been licensed by Bento Books, the same publisher who released the English-translation of the Math Girls novel by Yuuki Hiroshi (which I haven't bought yet but am planning to). So not to sound like an ad or anything, this is a great chance to show companies that niche stuff can sell as well so I hope some of you will go and buy the book and/or the manga when it's released. I'm not sure if they have plans for releasing the sequel manga-adaptations (each done by a different mangaka) but if not, perhaps I'll get to it in the distant future. For now, I've got other project that require my immediate attention.

Oh, some minor translation notes I should mention. I couldn't really think of anything better so I ended up going with "partition" for the slightly slang-word for divide that the protagonist uses in the original Japanese. I still think its meaning in the last chapter more or less gets across but the pun involving the chicken on page 163 doesn't. Also, I'm pretty sure Milka calls Euler her master in reference to Laplace's quote, "Read Euler, read Euler. He is the master of us all."

Mathematical Girls v1:   Mediafire
Mathematical Girls v2:   Mediafire
Mathematical Girls c14:   Mediafire


  1. Thanks for all the chapters. :D

  2. thanks for the hardwork!

  3. Thanks and congratulations for finishing this series! :D

  4. Thanks a lot!
    I enjoyed it very much.

  5. Thanks a lot for your hard work, I don't think you need to be told that but you're an awesome translator!!

  6. I enjoyed the series to the maximum. Thanks for your wonderful work. I'll check your other projects, they seem quite interesting too.

  7. Any chance of the sequals getting scanlated as well?

  8. Thanks a lot for scanlating yet another nice manga!

  9. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sorry, I had to take the links down as the licensing company has asked me to. There are still other download sites you can get my releases from, however, but I encourage you to buy the upcoming release by Bento Books.
