
Post Categories

26 February 2012

Historie c74

What, the triremes aren't mere sketches!? Damn, I guess Iwaaki's really getting fired u-
>no chapter next month

Oh well, at least this arc's a lot of fun to read. Makes me want to wish for Rome 2 TW already so I can have fun ramming triremes too. On the matter of Vinland Saga, there's no chapter this month. Something about his family catching the flu I think according to his twitter.

*Note: I've accidentally titled the historie chapter as Siege of Two Cities part 5, when it should be part 6. It's too minor of a mistake for me to care and fix it so bear with it.

Historie c74:   Mediafire


  1. Thanks Hox,

    Too bad about Vinland Saga, it's been picking up on the action.

  2. Thank you, once again, Hox - for your dependable and top-notch work. I'm not just saying that because I'm drunk. I'm not. Stop being so preachy. I don't need AA. Anyway, I wanted to say to those involved.. that I really appreciate what you do. I do. Really. I would be distraught if anything came between us. Honestly. Vodka!

    Thank you!

  3. Thank you so much!

    As for no Vinland Saga this month... NOOOOO. D: Oh well... I'll just cry through another month.

  4. Thanks for the new chapter! :D

  5. Darn, no VS this month. :( But since it will still take decades to finish it I guess that doesn't really matter much. ;)
    Thanks for the new Historie chapter!

  6. Thanks so much for the new chapter of Historie! Damn, another break from least the next chapter looks promising!

  7. thanks for the chapter. You guys (and iwaki) rock my boat. I swear I'm not sober. Stop being so nosey. I'll go to the tavern tomorrow, i tell ya. I mean, who else has a vodka bottle attached to his water dispenser? keep up the good work, and, honestly, watch out for dihyfrogen monoxide. That stuff kills thousands of people each year.

  8. Any update about Sangokushi?

  9. Thanks again, I'm always happy for some Historie.

  10. Arigato, Hox-sensei..

  11. when is the new volume of zero coming out?

  12. Thanks for the chapter. Keep up your hard work!^^

    I can't wait for the next chapter of Historie.

  13. Thank you so much!

  14. in Punpun vol 4, looks like you forgot to include page 21.

  15. Hey Hox, have you ever had a page/post dedicated to Romance of the Three Kingdom manga adaptations? I faintly remember you (or maybe it was someone else?) discussing a few different adaptations of the story, but I can't find it on your site. Maybe it was back on your Fluffypress site? Or maybe I'm merely messing up facts.

    1. Yeah, I used to have a post back on my old fluffypress that talked about Souten Kouro, Sangokushi, and Ravages of Time. I think it's lost for good now, but the tl;dr version of it was that I personally couldn't get too behind on the over-the-top approach of SK and RoT, though they offer something more different and new for those who are already familiar with the series.

  16. Right on, thanks, man.

  17. Hi Hox,

    I am wondering if you would you be releasing volume 7 again using the book rather than magazine scans? Thanks!

    1. Yeah, I'm definitely planning on it but just haven't quite gotten to it yet sadly.

    2. Awesome I would be eagerly awaiting it! Also, reading the above comments, and your profile, it seems you could be quite interested in historical Chinese manga. Scanlations for Bokko exist although it uses the French editions and the names are in Japanese romanizations rather than Chinese. What would be the chances of you releasing a better scanlation of it?
