Wasn't planning on doing this oneshot so soon, but it's been several months since I promised the anonymous who kindly scanned this for me and I felt guilty about just sitting on it for so long. In any case, the oneshot is called Kirisuke and Johnny, The Slaying of 499, by Enomoto Shunji. Perhaps you don't recognize the name, but I'm sure some of you will remember Enomoto's other oneshot, The Family Zoo. After all, who could ever forget that story? Seriously, if you haven't read it, go do so. It's another fine example of WHY JAPAN? But back to talking about Kirisukue and Johnny. This one's not really weird at all for an Enomoto manga. Just 112 pages full of dynamic action, speed lines, and minimal dialogue. A fun short read. I hope you enjoy it!
Kirisuke and Johnny, The Slaying of 499: Mediafire