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10 August 2011

Mathematical Girls Volume 1

And volume 1 of Mathematical Girls is complete! Touching on sequences, series, factorization, rotation matrix, imaginary numbers, trigonomeyry, complex planes, de Moivre's Theorem, it's certainly proved to be quite an interesting read (hopefully for you as well). But the thing I'm most enjoying about this manga isn't the math but how its terms are used it to convey the romance. Nerdy? Yes, but highly entertaining.

For once, I actually translated the afterword since the author Yuuki Hiroshi talks about how this whole Mathematical Girls story started. I actually wasn't even aware that this manga was an adaptation, much less an adaptation of stories originally posted on a website. Speaking of his website, I looked through the Mathematical Girls section and found confirmation that the name "Miruka" is officially to be spelled as "Milka" so I've fixed the name for the batch volume (though not in EdMx's chapters 1 and 2). Other than the name Milka, I've fixed minor typos here and there, me mistakenly using the term "series" when I actually meant "sequence," and one typo that the mangaka made on p139 (thanks to the anon who pointed this out).

Also, as Yuuki has pointed out in the afterword, I actually did find the fan-made songs on niconico he was talking about (a Miku song, of course. What else could it possibly have been?). Since not everyone has a niconico account, here's one I found on youtube instead.

P.S. Don't expect v2 to be done as quickly as I did v1.

Mathematical Girls v01:   Mediafire
Mathematical Girls c07:   Mediafire


  1. Cool, thanks for the hard work and the release! :D

  2. Thanks! I love math so there's a high probability that I'll like this.

  3. Chap 7 link is same as ch 6

  4. Are you sure...? Because I'm getting the link for c7.

  5. You're gonna love this, Hox:

  6. Thanks for the scanlation!

    On a more serious side, I hope y'all will check out the following:

    I had some serious censorship misadventures at - just a little bit more confirmation that we now live in a totally fascist world, but knowledge is power so I encourage you to check it out!



  7. Yeah, that's a great video that I had actually previously bookmarked.

  8. You sir are a hero among translators. Thanks a lot for the scanlations, hope you keep up the good work.

  9. Hi. First post here. Thanks for your hard work and doing some old golden age manga. I was wondering... I saw that you have Cobra Raws on your profile. Have you considered giving it a try? I think it's very popular and it might increase this site's traffic lol joking. I hope you don't find my question offending or something. Thanks again.

  10. I actually uploaded those cobra raws for another scanlation group. I myself don't have any plans to do it, however.

  11. Btw i just realised that you did Strongest Man Kurosawa. Thanks a lot!

    So does this group have any plans to start working on Cobra? Did they mention when?

  12. My math nutbladder...

    By the way, p88: "vaid", p186 last para: period and "arithemetic".

  13. I'm not sure if this manga is trying to appeal to maths enthusiasts or novices. Half the time it explains basic mathematical concepts that are interesting frankly quite educational and interesting, then it spends the other half completely alienating the previous audience with advanced mathematics they have no hope of understanding.

  14. Hey Hox thanks for the new Zero Chap.

  15. Thanks for the release. I was unsure if I was going to like it, but given your track record of awesome series. I decided to try it out. I loved the first volume and look forward to the final volume. Keep up the great work.

  16. Will you be continuing translating the series?

  17. Yes, I've just been very busy for the last couple of weeks.

  18. Hi, all. Please pardon the somewhat commercial comment, but you might be interested in hearing that we will be releasing a translation of the Math Girls novel in a very short time. Barring unfortunate incidents, we should have a sample (the first 2 chapters) up on our web site some time next week, and the book should be available for purchase within a month.
    Check out our announcement here:

    Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to be sure to get updates:

    We hope the math + Japan fans will enjoy it! =)

  19. Thanks for this wonderful manga. Hope to see the second Volume.

  20. @leoninfernal:
    You mean novel, not manga.

  21. Just thought I might tell you that the Mathematical Girls MediaFire folder is empty. (To my complete dismay...)
    Thank you for all of your work... *runs away crying hysterically*

    1. Yeah, I commented this on another post here:

  22. Are you guys going to consider doing the sequels?
    Suugaku Girl - Fermat no Saishuu Teiri -
    Suugaku Girl - Godel no Fukanzensei Teiri -

    1. Depends. Do you have the raws? I couldn't find any myself last time I checked.
