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24 August 2011

Golfing Emperor Zero (last updated Aug. 24)

Since the old Zero post has now been bumped to page 2, this'll be the new post for the next few chapters. Now, I have a question to ask for Zero fans. Should I continue working from weekly magazine scans or wait for volume scans and work with those? As you probably all know, my editing is sub-par at best so waiting for volume scans which will inevitably pop up will lead to much better looking scans. Of course, I will use the weekly magazine scans until this golfing arc is over as to not interrupt this ball-bustingly intense golfing duel to the death. Keep in mind that v1 of Zero part 2 will probably be the golfing arc so if I do switch over, it won't be until v2 is out that you can expect to see more chapters. There is a 3rd option, which is to recruit a proper editor (typesetter/cleaner), though I'm a little hesitant about collaborating on a weekly project for personal reasons.

So just to summarize again, what do you guys want?
1. Continue weekly with magazine scans
2. Work from the monthly volume scans that pop up every 2-3 months.
3. Work weekly but get a proper editor (contact me by email if you are interested)

While on the subject of talking about recruiting editors, is there anybody interested in working with me on Tomorrow's Joe? Joe has a ton of dialogue bubbles and I'm seriously starting to get pissed off at how tedious it is. Not even sure how the hell Chiba Tetsuya and Kajiwara Ikki (aka Takamori Asao) managed to jam so many lines in this manga without making it sound wordy and unnecessary, a talent I only wish Fukumoto had. Some experience is preferable, though just about anybody can easily learn to pick it up, I suppose. The workload would be releasing a ~30 page chapter per week so please refrain from offering if you're already busy helping other scanlation groups unless you're some hardworking NEET (an oxymoron or no?).

Gambling Emperor Zero Part 2 c006:   Mediafire


  1. I'm all for no 1. Too many of the series I'm currently following are released on a bi-monthly basis. And frankly, your editing isn't horrible. It's not very good, of course -- but it's readable and pictures are clear enough -- so as long as the translation is correct, that'll do for me :)

  2. My vote goes for #1 too.

  3. 1. Continue weekly with magazine scans

  4. Continue weekly please.

  5. I'll put some variety of opinions.

    2. Manga is more enjoyable with volumes

  6. No 1 since I don't care much about quality. But if the volume scan has omake then should be noted to check out.

  7. I don't hate the magazine scans, but my vote still goes for the volume scans.

    Then again, the pacing in Zero is pretty good so reading one chapter at a time isn't as bad as it would be in Kaiji or something.

  8. #2 because reading whole volumes at once is much more enjoyable than chapter by chapter, don't care much for quality.

  9. I don't want to tell you what you should do, but i would appreciate weekly releases! thx for your hard work,Hox

  10. While waiting long periods of time for Fukumoto is pretty excruciating, I'll still have to say Volume scans.

  11. If I get to choose I'd choose weekly, but whatever you're most comfortable doing is always best? The dialog is what FKMT series is all about anyway, not the majestic art.

  12. I vote weekly.

  13. Weekly, I don't think I could do that long without delicious Zero.

  14. Hope all of the editing tedium with Joe gets taken care of--It's one of my favorite series!

  15. I do endorse the weekly option.
    That said, I cannot edit.

  16. Weekly.
    Most people doesn't read Zero for the eye candy.

  17. We totally read it for the eye-candy, but I need my Fukumoto fix so please keep using the magazine scans.

  18. #2

    Much more enjoyable reading as volumes.

  19. #1. Artwork isn't exactly what we're looking for when we read Fukumoto.

  20. Seems like 1 is the majority so far so I'll go with that. I'm just glad nobody seems to be bothered by these weekly scans I put out, which even by my standards, looked pretty bad.

  21. Oops, im late however my vote is #2 =)

    thanks for Zero!

  22. That's a hard decision and you should probably do want you want to.
    On one side, I can barely wait to read the chapter each week, on the other side I really can't figure out what's going on sometimes because the scans are bad.
    #3 would be the best option but I don't know if that's possible.
    Whatever, I hope Zero gets a clean release in the future.

  23. #2 A chapter always feels to short and if it also means less work for you and a little better quality :)

  24. And that's it, I'm rooting for the Golfer. Time to stop reading it.

    >Rooting this early for the wrong character is bad.

  25. 2. I just wait until every vol is scanlated before I start reading anyways.

  26. Whatever happened with the collab with Project Bite Me for Joe?

  27. Well that blows. I really hope you find someone to help you with that. I'm surprised more people aren't helping with Joe given how big it is in Japanese culture and all.

  28. #2 I'd rather wait for monthly volumes :)

  29. I vote for the 2nd option.

  30. Option 1 is cool and all, as long is there is somebody editing the volume scans once they come out, eith Hox's translations. Surely there is someone doing that, right>?

  31. I'd like to see if I can help cleaning and editing Ashita no Joe.
    My email is if you wish to talk about it.
